Thursday, May 12, 2005

Look on the brigh side, the Red Sox won a World Series!

Fan 1: “What about last season?
Fan 2: What about it?
Fan 1: They were rubbish. They were fucking rubbish.
Fan 2: They weren't that bad.
Fan 1: They were fucking rubbish last year. And they were fucking rubbish the year before. And I don't care if they are top of the League, they'll be fucking rubbish this year, too. And next year. And the year after that. I'm not joking.
Fan 2: I don't know why you come, Frank. Honest I don't.
Fan 1: Well, you live in hope, don't you? ”

- Fever Pitch (1997) Colin Firth

It seems that if everything were right in the world we would have nothing to complain or talk about. I am not much for complaining, and as for the talking thing I do too much of it already and plan on cutting that out of my diet. You know how sometimes you have to get away from things in order to think. Well, I have been feeling like that for the past 6 months.
Old dudes have it great. The just take life as they get it. They know there isn't much they can change so they accept it and move on. For some reason, young people like myself feel think that they have to make a difference somehow and sometimes miss out on the fact that by just living you are making a difference. It's not the size of the accomplishment; it's the fact that you accomplished something.

To fully understand where I am coming from, you must understand that I have worked in the television and entertainment business for over nine years. Recently, I made a big change in my life by switching careers to find something more fulfilling. I didn't hate working in television, I just couldn't see myself doing what I was doing for the rest of my life. It was burning me out.

Having said all that, I am just about to finish my first year teaching. It's been a wild ride. I have never taken on such dramatic change in my life such as this one. Everyday is a challenge and a lesson for me to learn. The kids definitely push me to be a better teacher. Although at times, I feel that I have somewhat struggled to be a good teacher. There are times when I feel out of my element. There are also times when I feel that everything is clicking and I can do this. When you add up all those good times, it usually can squash out those bitterness feelings of resentment.
Success is measured by happiness. So when the question always reverts back to why did I leave the best job anyone could ask for? I just honestly reply, don't ever assume a job is great until you've worked it. I have lived the life and walked the path. Now all I have to do is find my next level of success.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger bayou_boy504 said...

Sometimes it is hard to avoid all of the negativity that people espouse.

You're right on about the wild ride thing. If people would just enjoy the fact that they've got a ticket to the coolest show on Earth, this place might be even that much better.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Judith said...

At least the Red Sox have won a World Series in more recent memonry than the Mets have when the beat the, uh, Red Sox.


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