Thursday, February 02, 2006

If you had a time machine what year would you go back to?

"Oh the times are a changing?" Yeah, this weekend I will celebrate my 11 anniversity of my 19th birthday. I'm not over the hill yet, but you know it's bad when you would rather sleep in than anything else on your birthday. As time does move on for me and all those around me too, I constantly try to look forward to the great things that are coming in my thirties.

I guess I can now relate to the t.v. show "Thirty Somethings."

When talking to someone 10 years younger I can refer to the good old days of Atari and Nintendo (Not Xbox or Game Cube).

The Internet is no longer a new fangled invention. I use it for my primary source of communication to my love ones.

A cell phone is now something that I can't stand. It serves one purpose... To lose connection or die at the most opportune time.

I find humor in things that 5 years ago couldn't make me even smirk. i.e. Standing in the mall outside the women's dressing room talking to another male counterpart about the number of items that she brought into the room. It was a low number, hopefully she will find something good this time.

Started wearing sweaters more frequently to work.

Love to read the paper every morning, and more importantly love to read more.

Can't stand anybody that is on MTV. Used to watch it around the clock, now I can't name one show.

Found the news to be one of the most frequented t.v. shows that I watch, besides SportsCenter.

I get upset when I see someone wearing their pants low around the ass, but then again I was wearing stone-wash jeans about 15 years ago and people thought that was idiotic.

I found my music tastes struggling to keep up with modern music. I don't hardly listen to the radio other than sports talk radio and my Ipod.

I now have to get furniture that matches. Shucks their goes all my crap that I bought on sale at Target.

I don't have to worry about getting carded as much as I wish I get carded everytime I go to a bar.

No longer can I make fun of people in their Thirties, it's time for me to grow up and make fun of people in their Forties.

So, I guess with age comes all of these great nuiances. My pops always said getting old is inevitable, but growing up is optional. I just can't wait. If I had a time maching... I wish I could go back to 1984.


At 8:39 PM, Blogger bayou_boy504 said...

What 1984? 1984 New Orleans or 1984 George Orwell?

At 7:27 AM, Blogger lucasjackson7 said...

i betcha i can throw a football over them mountains.

i kinda like growing up. you seem to appreciate things a whole lot more.

happy bday bro!

At 10:21 AM, Blogger The Movie Guys said...

Hmmm...Fascinating question you pose there, sir. Upon further review...

I can't decide, but here's the short list, in random order:

1) 2001 & 2002 - The height of my grad school years - just a really fun time for me. Great friends and minimal responsibility.

2) The first 8 months of 2005 - Seriously, before Katrina, 2005 was shaping up to be one of the best years I'd had in a while. W/ a time machine, I would do all the fun stuff I did and then some. I would forego certification classes to personally close the Mr. Go outlet and organize teams to reinforce the canal levees. We would succeed in the nick of time.

3) 1999 - The year in college where I went to Europe.

On different days, I might go with any one of those above choices.


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