Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Have you ever taken one of those tests to figure out what you are suppose to do for work when you get older? This past week, a couple of students told me they had to take these vocational aptitude tests. It basically asks you a lot of random questions, such as; "Do you like art?, "Do you enjoy traveling", or "Do you enjoy sports?" Basically, a lot of questions you probably will end up answering yes to. I think when I filled out one of those vocational aptitude tests it registered that I would be an overachiever.

Really, what's the right job for you when you are in high school. Most kids think if I could be that guy who tests video games for X-box that would be perfect. But as Judge Smails put it so politely, "the world needs ditch-diggers, too."

Understandably, most high school seniors don't rationalize the fact that whatever they go to college for, they may not even be working in that field once they graduate. I heard some statistic like 30 percent of students that graduate actually work in their field they studying for in college. So what's up with the 70 percent? Are they teaching at some local high school?

Well, I am for them trying to narrow down some better job classifications such as; sewage tank stirer, envelope licker, water tester, and human canonballer. I ever wonder if kids really think that the carnival is a career waiting to happen or if the bearded lady routine will soon be out of fashion. It's important to tell our next generation to try and excel in whatever they want to do. Just remember, that besides millioniares the world also needs overachievers. The next time someone asks you want you to do when you grow up, just tell them that growing up is overrated and their are more important things to do. Like wait for the next, Van Damme movie to come out or crave for the Oingo Bongo reunion tour.


At 10:40 PM, Blogger bayou_boy504 said...

Personally, I'd like to apply for that licking envelopes job. It sounds pretty cool. When you think about it, my 12 years of education as a window licker kind of automatically qualifies me for the job.


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