Friday, July 14, 2006

When the levee breaks. The Big Dig will fall.

Everytime I hear an argument or debate about whether they should rebuild the levees in New Orleans my mind gets restless with disappointment. As I read over the past week about how a woman was tragically killed while driving through the Big Dig or the Carwash I was suddenly reminded about how much money we all spent to build that damn conundrum. 4 1/2 billion federal taxpayers dollars. That's you and me, boss. Not the state of Massachusetts with it's finely elected Senator Kennedy who pushed for this massive project.

I remember when they started the project back in 1998 with the completion coming a year ago under much constraint about overspending. Now they are noticing that bolts are popping out of the walls to which tons of concrete are falling on cars. This means that have to go back and fix the problem. More of our money being wasted. Though when it comes to figuring out how to keep New Orleans safe from hurricanes senators and reps are bickering about the need to save a city. It's just a lousy city with a great port. That's all. Nobody will notice. Given the fact that New Orleans politicans haven't helped there cause with past indiscressions (i.e. Willy Jefferson and his cold hard cash) it still seems a mystery to me how everyone can buy into it. I will be the first to say I'm apprehensive about giving the money to the Army Corp of Engineers who run their outfit like the New York Knicks. Spending money they don't have for a substandard job. There latest idea is to build a levee as high as the Great Wall of China to stop the levees from breaking. So I say, let's bring the Dutch over and fix the job. I mean they have the most intricate system of canals and levees they can definitely do the job much better than the bumbling carnies/engineers of the Corps.

While we are on the subject of giving out props, I must appluade Auburn University for giving out free grades to football players during their 2004 football campaign. Most other universities value the diploma, but at Auburn which is a great school they frown on that stuff when it comes to athletes. I'm not saying there is a double standard...o.k. I am saying that. Go Tigers! More power to you and less to the NCAA because they can't do a thing about it. It's about time that most people see the fact that football players at major universities take the fall semester off because they are too busy making money for their university.

Manny is Manny. I love that saying. I wish people would say that stuff about me when I do something stupid or just don't care. It's unaveritas being unaveritas. That's just him. Gotta love him and his 40 dingers and 100 rbi's. Here's to seeing Papelbon throw his arm out his socket this season trying to save every game for my Red Sox's pathetic bullpen. Here's too Julian Tavarez looking like Willie McGee with some Spanish fly in his drink. Here's too Matt Clement getting traded for a Fenway frank and a box of Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger lucasjackson7 said...

i think the lowest point in auburn football/academia history was former bengals running back, james brooks. i wonder if that bastard ever learned to read.

i'm pretty sure the professor that ratted on the university is an alabama grad, but i'll need to talk with my fact checker and get back to you on this. btw, does anyone need a new cadillac? i know a school that can get you one if you can run a 4.1 flat.


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