Monday, July 10, 2006

The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow.

So after reading this article about Matthew McConaughey late night diatribe in the Carribean it got me to wondering about my own late night debacles. We've all done it before. Gone on a vacation to have some fun only to come back with stories of lunancy induced by the strains of a cocktail or two. I distinctly recall a weekend in Boston that rivels the one Mr. McConaughey had over the 4th of July. We've all been that asshole.

Remember Swingers. Vince Vaughn's character. "My babies all growns up."

It seems that we all have a different look upon the guy who lives in Hollywood getting sloshed everynight at the Saturday Club over the guy who hangs out in Austin with Biff Lowman from high school at the Mother Eagans Pub and Grille.

To us McConaughey is one of the gang. The guy we grew up with that was a little out of control when you went out, but was always the life of the party. He would challenge you to a chugging contest, race you barefoot down the street, dare you to pick up a girl just so that she could get you free drinks on ladies night, or he would be the one buying the first round of drinks for the group. You just know it. He's cool like that. Not uptight about his status or his so called celebrity fame. He lives life like most of us, hanging out with friends, getting drunk on the weekends, celebrating the end of long steamy relationship. Most women would die to have an evening with this guy which makes it even more hilariously that even guys would love to hang out with him.

Living here in Austin I get to hear about Hollywood as an outsider through magazines, tabloids, Entertainment Tonight, and radio talk people with nothing else to do...How about play some music? We judge people by how they react in public situations like this, and to tell you the truth we've all been there and done that before. So I say to Matt, "L-I-V-I-N!" And if you are ever in the Southwest part of Austin, look me up. First round of Shiners are on me, my brother.


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