The Half-Blooded Dunce
I just recovered from an all out blitz of sorcerers and wizardy at Hogwarts University this past weekend. I know what most of you are thinking. No, I wasn't the guy dressed up like, Snape, hanging out at a Barnes and Nobles Friday night with a decafe cappucino playing Quidditch with the kids in line. Still, I did receive a copy of the latest J.K. Rowling book on Saturday morning via Same effect, different approach. Stop there is nothing wrong with reading Harry Potter? It may not be for everyone, but it does get kids to read. Which brings me to my point. Despite blowing through the book ever so quickly. It's great to see people wanting to read. Especially kids. Too many kids today are so preoccupied with t.v., video games, and the computer that they miss out on one of the best sources of entertainment. Reading.
Books spark the imagination, create a new level of understanding, and generate possibilities that were one time unfathomable. Everyone has a favorite author or book. That's what makes reading so interesting, because you have various authors and subjects that can interest almost everyone. Anything that sparks a person to pick up a book and read is fine by me. You can't knock the fact that there are 7 and 8 year olds picking up a 600 page book for SUMMER to read. So whether you like reading about muggles and Valdamore, or whether you would rather read a nice trashy novel with Fabio on the cover it's all for the better good of literacy. Sometimes I pick up a trashy book in the grocery line and start reading them. Then I start looking around to see if anyone is watching me, like I shouldn't be reading this material in public. More often than I stop because I sometimes think a student will be in the store and catch me reading the book. Then I have to explain to him why I am reading the book and what's it all about. ("Well Jimmy, this book is about a man who finds his way by making some new friends in a beach resort. It has a lot of mushy stuff in it about feelings. It's really boring. Jimmy responds, "Is that why you're reading it?" )
I want to thank people like J.K. Rowling and Dan Brown for putting the focus back into books for people. Just wish she wasn't finishing up so soon. For all those who like to read out there, keep on turning the page. And for you illiterate bastards out there, never mind you couldn't read this anyway it's beyond your reading level.
On last thing, on a personal note. I have tried writing a book. It's not easy. I can promise you when I'm finished it won't be a best-seller, but it may hold some value in the grocery store circuit. I may even put a picture of myself on the cover, bare chested, hair blowing in the wind, tight jordache jeans wrapped around my waist. The title would fit the visual: "For No One's Eyes". Stay tune.
Apesar de um não entender muito inglês, gostei de seu blog e de sua foto. parabéns !
you should check out: It's the magazine started by dave eggers and they review books and everything else in between. your man nick hornby is always writing a column in there. also, is a cool site with great editorial columns and interviews with authors.
I wondered why the local Winn-Dixie was always out of the newest romance novels. Damn. I guess you beat me to them.
Amen. It is all about getting people to read. The bumper sticker from a Magazine Street book store says it all: "Fight the Stupids."
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