Don't stop believin'!

That's right, still believing. Even though a boat load of band wagoners jumped shipped two weeks ago after the Tampa Bay game. We don't need ya'. You're holding us back from what we want to accomplish.
I know what many of you think. Oh and 3 isn't much of an accomplishment considering we almost went to the Super Bowl last year. But as a fan of sports last year's magical carpet ride was something that will be spoken in glory day tales in bar rooms and bedtime stories. Remember these are our Saints. We stick with them through thick and thin. Remember Bum and Dick Nolan and Rick Venturi. I was still there and so were many of you. So let's not throw the towel in on our guys just yet.
As Herm Edwards puts it, "You play to win the game." That's what our Saints have been trying to do the last few weeks, but have come up short. It's almost like the team has a hangover from a bachelor party that went on all weekend and your still walking around in a daze weeks later, talking about how great the party was and when can we do that again. Actual last season can't be duplicated. It was too unbelievable. You can't rehash it. Plus it's last year. This is a new year and we need to start focusing in on the fact that our defense needs to play a lot better up front. Our corners are getting beat over the top like a bunch of Toi Cooks because the opposing QB has all day to throw the ball.
Not too mention we don't fill gaps when the other team runs the ball. Got to have gap control. And I hate to say this, but Holis Thomas hasn't been the same since take steroid inhalers last season.
As for the offense it's been there in pieces, but there hasn't been much rhythm between Brees and the receivers. Partly because the o-line hasn't been blocking well, but more importantly because we haven't run the ball with effectiveness. I can't tell you the last play action pass we ran. Last year we were running them all day. Need to get the ground game going.
Well, Sean Payton is learning the fickleness that comes with being a Saints fan. Hero one day, villain the next. Life of a head coach. What we need to do is understand that this team lacks an attitude right now and hopefully it will be instilled after we get our first win. So, keep your chin up and keep on believing. Because the chin is still in. Go Saints.
Can't spell BEERS without Brees
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