I'm coming home

Yeah!!! We all know what it's like to miss New Orleans. I've been away from home since the Christmas after Katrina, and since then I've bounced around different parts of the U.S. trying to find something to replace what I've lost. There is little you can do to replace home. You can always find places similar to home or better than home, but nothing reminds me or makes me feel like that special place.
So that brings me to this weekend when I will pack up the SUV and travel 1-10 East towards New Orleans for small vacation. It's going to be great being back in the city I love so much for what could be a fantastic weekend of fun and rivelry. My father, brothers, and I are looking forward to this weekend for the huge playoff game between the Saints and Eagles. It's one of those unspoken things that you miss about being home. The fact that the city has a buzz about it all week in preparation for the game. You can feel it standing in the checkout line at Winn Dixie, cashing a check at Hibernia/Capital One, or eating a muffaletta at Nor-Jo's.
Mrs. Veritas is looking forward to this trip too. She is an adopted daughter of New Orleans with a fondness for beignets at Morning Call and an some good old homecooking from my parents house. My biggest thing I'm looking forward too is that feeling as I drive across the Bonnet Carre' Spillway with torches lit up over Norco on one side and seeing a Pelican fly about a foot over the lake on my other side. Then it will hit me. That feeling. The one you get when you come home.
The beer will taste better.
The Red Beans will jump higher.
with the Veritas family in the house or in the city
Welcome Home, brah!
Ok, I'm officially jealous. Eat a big muff for the rest of us who can't make it. Have a great trip! :)
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